
Alter Nativas news

Follow the presence of the project in the media

26th April 2023

Tele­vi­sión del Vallès Orien­tal covers the pre­mie­re of Alter Nati­vas in the Edi­son movie thea­ter in Gra­no­llers.

Watch the video

25th April 2023

The news­pa­per inter­views Juan del Río, co-fou­n­­der of Red de Tran­si­ción, spea­king about the Transition move­ment.

Read the inter­view

14th April 2023

Alter Nati­vas direc­tors appear
in the pod­cast Toma
la Tie­rra 
from Revis­ta Sobe­ra­nía Ali­men­ta­ria, Bio­di­ver­si­dad
y Cul­tu­ras

Lis­ten the pod­cast

14th April 2023

Tele­vi­sión del Vallès Orien­tal inter­views again Agus­tí Coro­mi­nas and Juan del Río, direc­tors of the docu­men­tary, in Gra­no­llers.

Watch the video

11th April 2023

Alter Nati­vas: Buil­ding pos­si­ble futu­res appears in the maga­zi­ne Revis­ta Sobe­ra­nía Ali­men­ta­ria, Bio­di­ver­si­dad y Cul­tu­ras.

Read the arti­cle

5th April 2023

La Casa Encen­di­da pre­sents on its You­tu­be chan­nel the chat after the pre­mie­re of Alter
in Madrid.

Watch the video

3th April 2023

Alter Nati­vas: Buil­ding pos­si­ble futu­res appears in the bulle­tin
És l’ou from Gra­no­llers en Transició.

Read the arti­cle

29 March 2023

We relea­se Alter Nati­vas: Buil­ding pos­si­ble futu­res onli­ne.
We see you on Satur­day, April 15, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. CET.

Book your tic­ket now

27 March 2023

Alter Nati­vas was relea­sed last wee­kend in Madrid. It was the first offi­cial face-to-face pre­mie­re of the docu­men­tary. 
We tell you all!

Read the chro­ni­cle

13 March 2023

Agus­tí, film­ma­ker, edu­ca­tor and co-aut­hor of Alter Nati­vas, has been inter­vie­wed by about his expe­rien­ce with transition initia­ti­ves during the fil­ming of the docu­men­tary.

Read the inter­view

5 March 2023

With the relea­se of Alter Nati­vas: Buil­ding pos­si­ble futu­res just about the cor­ner, Pilar Sam­pie­tro inter­views once again the direc­tors of Alter Nati­vas on Radio 3’s pro­gram Medi­te­rrá­neo.

Lis­ten the pro­gram

past events

8 April 2019

José Luis Fdez. Casa­de­van­te ‘Kois’ men­tions the pro­ject in his blog Últi­ma Lla­ma­da, which appears in the onli­ne news­pa­per

Read the arti­cle

7 April 2019

Today, the second part of Pilar Sam­pie­tro’s inter­view with the direc­tors of Alters Nati­vas, in Medi­te­rrá­neo.

Lis­ten the pro­gram

30 March 2019

Pilar Sam­pie­tro inter­views Juan del Río and Agus­tí Coro­mi­nas, the direc­tors of Alter Nati­vas, in La Vida en Ver­de.

Lis­ten the pro­gram

28 March 2019

Tele­vi­sión del Vallès Orien­tal inter­views Agus­tí Coro­mi­nas and Juan del Río, direc­tors of the docu­men­tary, in Gra­no­llers.

Access to Votv

22 March 2019

Our collea­gues from Por­tu­gal echo Alter Nati­vas with this arti­cle in the natio­nal news­pa­per Públi­co.

Read the arti­cle

16 March 2019

Pilar Sam­pie­tro inter­views Juan del Río, one of the direc­tors of Alter Nati­vas, in La Vida en Ver­de on Radio Exte­rior.

Escu­cha el pro­gra­ma