A lot of small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world”

African proverb

Teaser trailer

Alter Natives, building possible futures

Upcoming releases and events

Next dates and pla­ces after tho­se that appear here are still to be deter­mi­ned,
they will appear in this sec­tion

3th novem­ber 2024

Scree­ning in Cas­tell­te­rçol

Time and pla­ce
to be deter­mi­ned

4th and 11th novem­ber 2024

Scree­ning at Uni­ver­si­tat
Poli­tèc­ni­ca de Cata­lun­ya

Esco­la Tèc­ni­ca Supe­rior
d’Arquitectura, Bar­ce­lo­na
15:30h CET

6th novem­ber 2024

Onli­ne scree­ning

18:30–22:00h CET

+ Info and tic­kets

22th novem­ber 2024

Scree­ning in Giro­na

Cen­tre Cul­tu­ral del Pla de Palau,
Aula mag­na

17:00h CET

Orga­ni­ze a scree­ning of Alter Nati­vas in your town or city

¡Relea­se Alter Nati­vas!

And, if you have already wat­ched Alter Nati­vas, tell us what did you think about the movie

Sha­re your opi­nion

Past events

• 27/09/24 · Scree­ning in Ama­yue­las de Aba­jo (Palen­cia)
• 24/08/24 · Pre­mie­re in Solin, Split (Croa­tia)
• 27/07/24 · Pre­mie­re in Gipps­land, Aus­tra­lia
• 22/06/24 · Scree­ning in Ber­ga (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 19/06/24 · Scree­ning in Pon­te­ve­dra (Gali­cia)
• 08/06/24 · Scree­ning in Pala­fru­gell (Giro­na)
• 29/05/24 · Scree­ning in Ribe­ring (Aran­da de Due­ro, Bur­gos)
• 21/05/24 · Scree­ning in Bur­gos (Cas­ti­lla y León)
• 12/05/24 · Scree­ning in Fes­ti­val Bio­se­gu­ra (Beas de Segu­ra, Jaén)
• 08/05/24 · Scree­ning in Alba­ce­te (Cas­­­­­­­­­­­ti­­­­­­­­­­­lla-La Man­cha)
• 27/04/24 · Scree­ning in Méxi­co
• 15/04/24 · Scree­ning in Bar­be­rà del Vallès (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 18/03/24 · Pre­mie­re in Aus­tra­lia
• 15/03/24 · Pre­mie­re in Enca­te­rri Biz­kaia (Eus­ka­di)
• 11/03/24 · Scree­ning in Colom­bia
• 28/02/24 · Onli­ne Pre­mie­re 3
• 25/02/24 · Pre­mie­re in El Catllar (Tarra­go­na)
• 23/02/24 · Pre­mie­re in Mon­te­ne­gro
• 09/02/24 · Pre­mie­re in Ale­ma­nia
• 27/01/24 · Pre­mie­re in Sant Celo­ni (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 12/01/24 · Pre­mie­re in Colom­bia
• 15/12/23 · Scree­ning in Vila­fran­ca del Pene­dès (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 14/12/23 · Scree­ning in Bico de Grao (Lugo)
• 14/12/23 · Scree­ning in La Pal­ma (Canary Islands)
• 06/12/23 · Scree­ning in Tele­vi­sió del Vallès Orien­tal (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 02/12/23 · Scree­ning in Sit­ges (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 27/11/23 · Scree­ning in Brid­port (Uni­ted King­dom)
• 26/11/23 · Scree­ning in Pal­ma (Mallor­ca)
• 24/11/23 · Scree­ning in Pam­plo­na (Nava­rra)
• 11/11/23 · Scree­ning in Bon­ner Film­Fair 2023 (Bonn, Ger­many)
• 10/11/23 · Scree­ning in l’Escala (Giro­na)
• 05/11/23 · Scree­ning in Sun­ci­ne Fes­ti­val
• 28/10/23 · Scree­ning in Lis­boa (Por­tu­gal)
• 27/10/23 · Scree­ning in Cri­dem pel Cli­ma Fes­ti­val

• 26/10/23 · Scree­ning in Bun­yol (Valèn­cia)
• 15/10/23 · Scree­ning in Quin­ta de Lou­re­do (Frei­xo, Por­tu­gal)
• 14/10/23 · Scree­ning in Ret­hin­ka­ble Fes­ti­val
• 11–15/10/23 · Scree­ning in Bio­se­gu­ra Cine (Beas de Segu­ra, Jaén)
• 01/10/23 · Scree­ning in Fes­ti­val Humá­ni­ca
• 26/09/23 · Scree­ning in Pla­net Local Sum­mit
• 21–24/09/23 · Scree­ning in Fes­ti­ver (Colom­bia)
• 20/09/23 · Scree­ning in Madei­ra (Por­tu­gal)
• 19/09/23 · Scree­ning in Euro­pe Ripess Ga (París, Fran­cia)
• 08/09/23 · Scree­ning in Encon­tro pelas flo­res­tas (Por­tu­gal)
• 11/08/23 · Scree­ning in Eco­al­dea Arte­rra (Artie­da, Nava­rra)
• 04/08/23 · Scree­ning in Ance­de Baião, Por­tu­gal
• 18–23/07/23 · Pre­mie­re tour in Por­tu­gal
• 19/07/23 · Scree­ning in Mana­cor (Mallor­ca)
• 16/07/23 · Pre­mie­re in Capi­lla del Mon­te (Cór­do­ba, Argen­ti­na)
• 15/07/23 · Scree­ning in Encuen­tro Euro­peo de Eco­al­deas 2023
• 07/07/23 · Scree­ning in Sant Feliu de Codi­nes (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 01/07/23 · Pre­mie­re in Méxi­co
• 22/06/23 · Inter­na­cio­nal onli­ne pre­mie­re 2
• 16–18/06/23 · Pre­mie­re in Almó­ci­ta
• 05/06/23 · Inter­na­cio­nal onli­ne event with Tran­si­ción Hubs
• 02/06/23 · Pre­mie­re in Vila­no­va i la Gel­trú (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 18/05/23 · Scree­ning in Bar­ce­lo­na
• 14/05/23 · Pre­mie­re in Corró d’Amunt (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 12/05/23 · Inter­na­cio­nal onli­ne pre­mie­re 1
• 12/05/23 · Pre­mie­re in Gran Cana­ria
• 10/05/23 · Pre­mie­re in Car­de­deu (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 25/04/23 · Pre­mie­re in Gra­no­llers (Bar­ce­lo­na)
• 22/04/23 · Pre­mie­re in Altu­ra (Cas­te­lló)
• 21/04/23 · Pre­mie­re in Bar­ce­lo­na
• 15/04/23 · Onli­ne pre­mie­re
• 25/03/23 · Pre­mie­re in Madrid
• 09/03/23 · Exclu­si­ve event for patrons and colla­bo­ra­tors

Alter Nativas — Building possible futures
is a documentary movie about transition initiatives and ecosocial regeneration. The film is a collective project withshowing transformative experiences and inspiring other possible futures as main goals.

After the success of the
crowdfunding campaign on the Goteo platform, and with filming and editing already finished, the movie is being released right now!

You can follow all the news from Alter Nativas on 
Red de Transición website and in:

Alter Nativas is a collaborative feature film, made by people who want to change the world.

Join the community and help to spread the word about the project, or make a contribution, if you want and you can!

Alter Nativas is a collaborative project

Many people and organizations are supporting its development and dissemination.

Alter Nativas is a project led by:

In collaboration with:

Other part­ner orga­ni­za­tions:

Keep up to date with all the news of Alter Nativas.

Subs­cri­be to the mai­ling list!
Follow us on: