Creating a community around the project
ALTER NATIVES is a project with an important collective character. Many people and organizations are supporting and helping in its development, and many more yet to join. Without their support this documentary would not be possible.
The elaboration of a documentary like this is a complex process in which multiple connections among people and organizations are created. That is precisely one of its great values, the networking and the creation of community. We want all these people and projects to feel the documentary as their own, that it becomes a good tool of dissemination and that potential new projects and collaborations emerge.
As we move forward with the project we will share who is participating and how to collaborate. Thank you.
How can you help?
You can contribute to making the documentary possible in many ways:
Write to us if you have any ideas, doubts or suggestions. Join the list of people and organizations that support the project.
Spread the project in your
personal and social networks.
Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
With the subsequent
distribution and projection
of the documentary.Organize a screening of
Alter Nativas on your town
Making a donation if you want and is possible for you.
Become a contributorInitiatives and people who appear
in the documentary
Below you will find a list of all the initiatives and people shown in the documentary in order of appearance.
Gracias a todas por poner voz y rostro a esta historia de esperanza para construir futuros posibles.
- CSIC-Instituto de Ciencias del Mar de Barcelona
Antonio Turiel - Viure de l’aire
Josep Puig - Universidad de Valladolid
Margarita Mediavilla - Cooperativa Goiener
Fernando Olalde - Cooperativa Biciclot
Eider Murgoito, Santi Ochoa, Erika Laguillo, Pere Serrasolses, Gemma Simón, Montserrat Rodríguez, Samir Frhot, Mohamed Haduch - Cooperativa Mensakas
Mario García - Transition Network
Rob Hopkins - Asociación Artífex Balear
Miquel Ramis, Xavier Mañez, Pablo Ceña, Miquel Ramis - Cooperativa L’Olivera
Carles de Ahumada, Pau Moragas, Clara Cirera - Turutaires
Aurora Sánchez, Carme Nájera - Moneda Social Local La Turuta
Ton Dalmau - L’ Arbre
Mireia Ventosa - Moneda Social La Grama
Oriol Tusón, Pedro Luís Cano, Maday Rivero, Lluís Muns - Bar El Nou Montferri
Rubén Huertas - Revista Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas
Gustavo Duch - Proyecto La Kosturika
María Gener - Jeromo Aguado, Campesino
- Asociación La Magrana Vallesana
Míriam González, Víctor Rodilla, Aléxia de Udaeta - Red de Huertos Urbanos Comunitarios de Madrid
Kois Casadevante - Huerto Urbano Esta es una plaza
Alberto Peralta - Huerto Comunitario de Manoteras
Christian Osuna, Miguel López, Ana López, Miguel Ángel Rodríguez - Cooperativa de vivienda Entrepatios
Iñaki Alonso, Pablo Rodríguez, María González, Pedro Ramiro - Ecoaldea Arterra Bizimodu
Lorena Mompel, Lurdes Villagran, Adrián Areta, Mauge Cañada, Jenny Carraro - Red de Transición
Juan del Río, Esther Molina, Mario Chaparro, Ana Huertas - Almócita en Transición
Eva Fernández, Paqui Muñoz, Sergio Pineda, Paco García - Asociación Trotamundos Animados
Eva Fernández, Paco García - Proyecto La Recicreativa — Granada en Transición
Libertad López, Patricia Ruano - Granada en Transición
Edina Benkó, Romualdo Benítez - Asociación Por un Realejo Habitable en Granada
Smadia Carrasco - Jardín del decrecimiento
Salvador Fornell - La Cabaña — Granada en Transición
Claudia Guedes - Transalquimia
Diana Bacanu - Instituto de Transición Rompe el círculo – Móstoles
Emilio Santiago - Daniel Whal, Consultor sobre culturas regenerativas
- Proyecto Phoenicurus
Gisela Mir - Escola Kumar – PermaMed
Amanda Merklein - Moviment Ecolocal Mallorquí – MEM!
Lara Cifre - Centre de Resiliència de Mallorca
Luís Llabrés - Permacultura Mediterránea – PermaMed
Meiling Colorado - Fundación Save the Med
Mariana Gutic
People and entities that support the project
It is worth mentioning the important involvement Red de Transición (Transition Spain), who has led the documentary’s development, as well as different projects and related networks.
Below you can find some of them, which have openly expressed their support and have collaborated in different ways.
Thanks to all of them and those 323 people that made contribution making possible the movie with their generosity.
- Rob Hopkins
- Gustavo Duch
- Marga Mediavilla
- Pilar Sampietro
- Robert Hall
- Filipa Pimentel
- Luís González Reyes
- Diego Isabel de la Moneda
- Ana Huertas
- Daniel Wahl
- Toni Lodeiro
- Yayo Herrero
- Antonio Turiel
- Manuel Casal Lodeiro
- Emilio Santiago Muiño
- Ángeles Santos
- José Luis Fdez. Casadevante “Kois”
- Fernando “Topo Sudaka”
- Ricard Jornet
- Pablo Cotarelo
- Pep Puig
- Emilio Mula
- Jorge Carrasco
- Juan Bordera
- Laia Treserra
- Brenda Chávez
- Rosa Maria Murtra Vilardebó
(Co-financier) - Members of local initiatives, working groups, educational seminars…
- Red de Transición
- Soberanía Alimentaria Magazine
- Babuin Media
- Transition Network
- Ecolise
- Transition Portugal
- Ecologistas en acción
- Ecologistes en acció Catalunya
- Plataforma Rural
- Som Mobilitat
- Opcions Magazine
- Fuhem Ecosocial
- The Oil Crash Observatory
- Urban Resilience
- Deseeea
- 15/15/15
- Nesi
- Phoenicurus
- Revo Prosper
- Espai Ambiental Cooperativa
(Co-financier) - La Tercera Pell, Arquitectura en bio-construcció
(Co-financier) - All the initiatives and projects of the documentary
Discover what people who support the project think about

Toni Lodeiro is promoter and consultant in the new consumer culture.
Watch the video
Rob Hopkins is co-founder of the international Transition Movement.
Watch the video
Marga Mediavilla is researcher on energy and dynamic systems.
Watch the video
Diego Isabel
de la Moneda
Diego Isabel de la Moneda is director of Wellbeing Economy Alliance.
Watch the video
Gustavo Duch is director de Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas.
Watch the video
Luis González
Luis González Reyes is trainer and investigator in ecology and pedagogy.
Watch the video
Filipa Pimentel is international coordinator of Transition Hubs.
Watch the video
Pilar Sampietro is press and radio journalist and writer on culture and ecology.
Watch the video
Ana Huertas is coordinator of the project Municipalities in Transition.
Watch the video
Daniel Wahl is consultant and writer on sustainability and regenerative cultures.
Watch the video
Robert Hall is president of and Gen-Europe.
Watch the video