
Creating a community around the project

ALTER NATIVES is a pro­ject with an impor­tant collec­ti­ve cha­rac­ter. Many peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions are sup­por­ting and hel­ping in its deve­lop­ment, and many more yet to join. Wit­hout their sup­port this docu­men­tary would not be pos­si­ble.

The ela­bo­ra­tion of a docu­men­tary like this is a com­plex pro­cess in which mul­ti­ple con­nections among peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions are crea­ted. That is pre­ci­sely one of its great values, the net­wor­king and the crea­tion of com­mu­nity. We want all the­se peo­ple and pro­jects to feel the docu­men­tary as their own, that it beco­mes a good tool of dis­se­mi­na­tion and that poten­tial new pro­jects and colla­bo­ra­tions emer­ge.

As we move for­ward with the pro­ject we will sha­re who is par­ti­ci­pa­ting and how to colla­bo­ra­te. Thank you.

How can you help?

You can contribute to making the documentary possible in many ways:

Wri­te to us if you have any ideas, doubts or sug­ges­tions. Joi­n the list of peo­ple and orga­ni­za­tions that sup­port the pro­ject.

Sprea­d the pro­ject in your
per­so­nal and social net­works.
Follow us on 
Face­book, Insta­gram and Twit­ter.

With the sub­se­quent
dis­tri­bu­tion and pro­jec­tion
of the docu­men­tary.
Orga­ni­ze a scree­ning of
Alter­ Na­ti­vas on your town

Making a dona­tion if you want and is pos­si­ble for you.

Beco­me a con­tri­bu­tor

Initiatives and people who appear
in the documentary

Below you will find a list of all the initia­ti­ves and peo­ple shown in the docu­men­tary in order of appea­ran­ce.

Gra­cias a todas por poner voz y ros­tro a esta his­to­ria de espe­ran­za para cons­truir futu­ros posi­bles.

People and entities that support the project

It is worth mentioning the important involvement Red de Transición (Transition Spain), who has led the documentary’s development, as well as different projects and related networks.

Below you can find some of them, which have openly expressed their support and have collaborated in different ways.
Thanks to all of them and those 323 people that made contribution making possible the movie with their generosity.


  • Rob Hop­kins
  • Gus­ta­vo Duch
  • Mar­ga Media­vi­lla
  • Pilar Sam­pie­tro
  • Robert Hall
  • Fili­pa Pimen­tel
  • Luís Gon­zá­lez Reyes
  • Die­go Isa­bel de la Mone­da
  • Ana Huer­tas
  • Daniel Wahl
  • Toni Lodei­ro
  • Yayo Herre­ro
  • Anto­nio Turiel
  • Manuel Casal Lodei­ro
  • Emi­lio San­tia­go Mui­ño
  • Ánge­les San­tos
  • José Luis Fdez. Casa­de­van­te “Kois”
  • Fer­nan­do “Topo Suda­ka”
  • Ricard Jor­net
  • Pablo Cota­re­lo
  • Pep Puig
  • Emi­lio Mula
  • Jor­ge Carras­co
  • Juan Bor­de­ra
  • Laia Tre­se­rra
  • Bren­da Chá­vez
  • Rosa Maria Mur­tra Vilar­de­bó
  • Mem­bers of local initia­ti­ves, wor­king groups, edu­ca­tio­nal semi­nars…


Discover what people who support the project think about 


Toni Lodei­ro is pro­mo­ter and con­sul­tant in the new con­su­mer cul­tu­re.

Watch the video


Rob Hop­kins is co-fou­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­n­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­der of the inter­na­tio­nal Transition Move­ment.

Watch the video


Mar­ga Media­vi­lla is resear­cher on energy and dyna­mic sys­tems.

Watch the video

Diego Isabel
de la Moneda

Die­go Isa­bel de la Mone­da is direc­tor of Well­being Eco­nomy Allian­ce.

Watch the video


Gus­ta­vo Duch is direc­tor de Sobe­ra­nía Ali­men­ta­ria, Bio­di­ver­si­dad y Cul­tu­ras.

Watch the video

Luis González

Luis Gon­zá­lez Reyes is trai­ner and inves­ti­ga­tor in eco­logy and peda­gogy.

Watch the video


Fili­pa Pimen­tel is inter­na­tio­nal coor­di­na­tor of Transition Hubs.

Watch the video


Pilar Sam­pie­tro is press and radio jour­na­list and wri­ter on cul­tu­re and eco­logy.

Watch the video


Ana Huer­tas is coor­di­na­tor of the pro­ject Muni­ci­pa­li­ties in Transition.

Watch the video


Daniel Wahl is con­sul­tant and wri­ter on sus­tai­na­bi­lity and rege­ne­ra­ti­ve cul­tu­res.

Watch the video


Robert Hall is pre­si­dent of and Gen-Euro­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­pe.

Watch the video